You are the Wind beneath my Wings-

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N3298R in Penticton BC

I think there is magic all around us just waiting for us to bring the right attitude to it so that we can be receptive. Sometimes (sometimes-lots of time!) this isn’t easy. But the magic is there.


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Between Thunder Bay and Kenora, Ontario

The only thing we can control in our lives is our attitude and what we choose to try to do with the energy we are given. For instance:  I can wish with all my heart that you were here with me or I can acknowledge that you aren’t and go ahead to the best of my ability in the vacuum of awareness that circumstance forces me to live in. I can feel sorry for myself or I can wonder if you are also feeling very much the same pain and then I know that self pity has no place in my attitude.

So I’ll do the best I can in giving to the moment, opening myself to the magic which is here and now. And I’ll put my sorry fears aside in hope and faith that somehow the choices I make right now will bring more magic in the New Day.

I do hope that for most of my readers these lines have little meaning or if they have meaning that the sadness is past. So take your choice of attitude and let it bring you where it will. I hope you are open to magic moments. They are all around us. Here is one to share:

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Early morning flight from Lethbridge, Saskatchewan

The pictures are from a cross continent trip my husband and i took back when we both flew and he owned “Birdy”-a long time ago!

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Here is “Birdy” today for sale and still flying!

You may notice the call numbers are different. That is because we actually made the trip in a rented plane, and  not in “birdy”.


Angel in the dust

2 thoughts on “Magic Moments- all depend on attitude

  1. I agree wholeheartedly that magic is all around, and we must be open to it to see it. Missing a loved one is the hardest of all, but I know they want us to continue our earthly journeys the best we can until we are reunited for eternity. May the lovely thoughts as memories of those we miss live on in our hearts! 💗

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  2. What a pretty birdy! I hope she flies for years to come. 🙂 Meanwhile, I’ll try to be open to the magic moments… Much love dear angel in the dust.

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