Magic Moments-gone awry

My Dear Readers, I am so sorry if I have not responded to you.

Recently I began to notice that my Word Press Reader contained things which were not showing up in my Inbox and wondered that no one had contacted me. Finally at the suggestion of my husband I checked the spam folder on my account. For months, perhaps even since I began this blog last summer comments, likes, and contacts, even new posts have been treated as spam by my computer. Only items from the last month are still available in that folder. My chest already hurts 24/7. This breaks my heart. From now on I will be checking the spam folder as well as my inbox and I will try to solve this misbehavior on the part of my computer.

“Contacts” (found in the header above my post) is an excellent way to reach me privately and will not show up as a comment on my blog. Please feel free to use it-I’ll make sure it doesn’t end up in spam again. Otherwise likes and comments are always appreciated and posts are eagerly anticipated.

You are an awesome community of artists and writers and all very special to me.


your Angel in the dust (again!)


On a happier note: the crocuses are blooming, a purple river with whitecaps all along the drive and the cardinal wakes the morning with his lilting melody. I even planted some lettuce seeds and prepared a row for snow peas. A year has passed and spring is back (at least in this hemisphere!). Will we all grow and send out blossom? that is my hope for you.

IMG_3166 (1024x736).jpg
a painting from last year




-help me find the joy to paint again. It is possible-it must be.—somehow.-