Magic Moments- water color and…

An incredibly rich walk this morning: We studied a fallen ash tree that had broken off over night and fallen without tearing down the power lines-miraculous- said “hi” to a gaggle of 5 tom turkeys, noted tiny deer tracks with the larger ones, had a red tail who was being chased by crows swoop right across our path, listened to the redwing blackbird stake out his claim in the swamp, heard the brown creeper working the white pines, saw and heard the melody of a flock of bluebirds in the corn field, watched a flock of geese flying north overhead, thrilled to the “freebee” of a nesting chickadee, listened to the trill of a brook cascading down the hillside, and… watched as this guy came up on the road, looked us in the eye and went on over the other side. whew!!!

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How can anyone come up short on a day such as this except… We needed you, my very special friend, with your binoculars to help us identify the many –many other birds we saw. I miss you every day-deeply, today more than ever.

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Anyway, here are yet two more tree studies and now I think I’m ready to move on to a different motif.

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Happy painting and enjoy the slow rush of spring.

Angel in the dust

magic moments-more of the same

Here are a few more of the woods and Spring Thaw. I think I’m spinning my wheels and then I’ve also been distracted by poetry falling out of the sky. I did walk down the lane this afternoon and look at the woods again and i know i can do better so, (sorry), expect more trees soon

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170221 Spring thaw fluid c/p 9″x12″ (cer. prose. ngomb. sepia)

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170222 Spring thaw fluid c/p 9″x12″ (cer. prose. ngomb. sepia)

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170222-a  Spring thaw fluid c/p 9″x12″ (cer. prose. ngomb. sepia)

Playing with the rigger brush

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170222 Spring thaw fluid c/p 9″x12″ cer. prose. ngomb. sepia




Magic Moments-with Watercolour!!!!

Finally I am at my work table and the brush is loaded with water and pigment. When I can paint it is a little like praying or meditation and I always feel lifted in spirit-

“Like a breath I knew would come, I reach for a new day”.

Yesterday was bad beyond description. I am so grateful for another chance.

Here is the little pencil sketch I made from our brief walk yesterday.








And here is a watercolor from the sketch.

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There is so much depth that’s missing so much movement and glint in the hemlocks that I just have yet to figure out. And the bright shimmer of the water, the soft roundness of the melting snow. Gee wiz this doesn’t capture that at all so we’ll try again.


Actually I’m supposed to be working on ocean waves and sand-oops! Anyway it’s nice to do even a little.


Angel in the dust